Well, how about what happened today then? There has to be something that happened today that is post worthy. OH! Duh, it's Halloween. I'll write about today's trick or treat episode.

So I and my wife, Maria, are really popular people that always get invited to parties. As it goes every year, we are invited to a Halloween party, which means we are never home to appease the trick-or-treaters that would potentially show up to our doorstep every year. This year, however, was different. We were invited to a Halloween party, but it was held on the day before Halloween. Meaning: I got to see all the cute little kids in their costumes! Or so I thought I would.
I was certain that we would be getting a bunch of kids at our door, since we live at an apartment that seems to be teeming with kids. In preparation, I got two bags of candy (which came to about 80 pieces or some), and we're talking name brand stuff here. None of those scary popcorn balls. Oh, no. If you come to my doorstep, you are to be rewarded! Reeses, Butterfingers, Hershey's, Crunch, among others were the bounty of my hearth. I even bought my wife and myself some candy of our own so we wouldn't short change the kids.

We got into the house, and waited. And we waited. And a few hours passed while we waited some more. I ate all our candy, and started to eat the kids candy. Now it is well into eleven in the evening, and I only had one trick-or-treater. At the time, I was quieting my cranky two month old son, when I heard a knock at the door. I actually said out loud, "Ohh! That could be a trick-or-treater!" Sure enough, I opened the door, and I saw a girl wearing a blue towel over her head. "Trick or treat!," said my wife, who was coming in the house after getting the laundry outside.

No legitimate tricker treatsters for us. Oh, well. I guess my coworkers will have to enjoy some candy tomorrow. I promise that I will get better at this. Later!
EDIT: I know there is an "e" missing in my third image. Don't judge me. I would fix it, but it's a beginners mistake (i.e. I don't feel like fixing it).
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