Sorry! I really am. Eventually, I want to make this blog a lot bigger than it already is, which, of course, wouldn't take much at all. However, I've run into a wall as of late. Do you have any idea how tedious it can be to draw paint images with a mouse? Let me give you a hint: it's tedious. Not good enough? Let me spell it out for you: T-E-D-I-O-U-S. There, that should do it. With that said, I want you to keep in mind that tedium isn't always a bad thing. The reward of having crappy drawings is always enough to get me back, but drawing would be a lot more fun with this baby.
All that, and I feel some shame putting time in to make a blog when I don't have the most glorious of jobs and I could be spending that time finding a better one. But before I bore you to death, I need to move on. That, and I probably will use the material down the road for a "past" post.
Valentine's Day is here again! At the moment, we are dead broke, so I will not do the same great job that I was able to do last year. We went to OKC for a whirlwind trip of love and romance. But wait! That's another "past" post. Present, Adam, present! Focus! Anyhoo, this marks our third Valentine's as a married couple. As I briefly mentioned, the last one was great, but I don't even remember what we did for our first. I'm afraid this Valentine's will be like our first. It's not like I'm not thoughtful or anything, and didn't have the foresight to prepare an adequate love celebration (It was going to be an island getaway, for those of you who are nosy).

More like, I'm in the middle of quitting my current job, finding a new job, and not keeping our little son up way past his bedtime. Oh, yeah, did I mention that we're broke? Probably not, so here it is: we're broke.

This is silly, especially since one day I will have more money than I know what to do with, but at the moment, I can't whisk away my sweety to the secret, preconceived location. So instead, I guess I will make a tribute poem to our great love (and buy some Taco Bell later, or something, how romantic).